Happy New Year!
With winter registration and the holidays behind us, it is time to breathe life into the Team Green Brit initiative once again! Things are always busy here at Brit, so I'm lookin to pull together all you keeners that feel this 'team' can make a difference. A date for casual brainstorming over bevvies of choice will soon be determined...so let me know if you are interested in being a leader for your area in all things green in our community!
The survey on the recycling issues throughout our complex is still available for your feedback until the end of February. A summary of the problems, and all your creative ideas for solutions, will be available in March. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts now! http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=eEfDgH7SAJ3FwS8a3CvJNQ_3d_3d
A quick and easy read I found for the years inspiration is an article Invidividual Action vs Collective Action by No Impact Man and my fave line in the piece "there is one circumstance under which one person absolutely cannot make a difference: if that one person doesn't try"
cheers to the possibilities of 2009!